Sheepish Moment

The first time we took on the major project of putting on a live Nativity on the church lawn pushed us to great effort. Every thing had to be built. Every costume had to be sewn. Lighting and recorded music had to arranged and tried out. Live animals had to be secured. I can tell you it was quite an endeavor.

The response from the community on the first night was such that people were standing all around and in the street as the word had gotten out in our small town that this was going to be something special It seemed like half the town was there waiting in the darkness for the lights to be turned on for the first ever live Nativity display in our town.

The lights came up, the scene was a beautiful tableaux marred only by one thing; the male voice that came booming out of background, "Hellfire that sheep just bit me!"

You can go back there to this day, I imagine, and folk will tell you about opening night of the Methodist church nativity.