Each Crisis a Lesson for Helping

My life has been one of severe crises so much so that people ask me why I have not turned angry and bitter.

I lost a baby soon after it was born. I lost an adult son to a strange illness that came quickly. I found myself in two bad marriages where alcoholism destroyed lives and relationships. I had a radical mastectomy. I have had to care at length for an invalid mother.

My response has been that each of these has been a test. If I passed the test I would be able to help others facing the same or similar difficulties. If I passed the test I was graduated to the next one.

Along the way I have also been blessed with some clear moments of divine intervention that have assured me of God's presence. And now this 65 year old Irish protestant who began her church life as a child without any parental support finds herself busy using her skills and experiences to help others in this wonderful United Methodist church.