Let Me Count the Ways (a fourteen year old boy talks)

I got involved here at this church because my older brother got invited by a friend of his to go on a mission work trip. I heard from him about it and wanted to go on one myself. I've been on two now. It has been real interesting to meet the elderly widows we helped and hear them talk about things. At the end of one we had a long sort-of prayer service and that was good.

I like my church school teachers because they are good teachers. My mom is a church school teacher so I know what makes for good teaching! My teachers have been experienced teachers that know what they are doing. This last summer I got to meet with them and help pick out our curriculum for this year. I'm pleased they trusted me to help do that.

And every Sunday evening on our youth group we have different people do the lesson: lawyers and teachers and business people and a car dealer. What I like is that they bring stories and examples from their life to add to the lesson so we get lots of different perspectives.

One big moment came at Resurrection, the youth meeting held in Gatlinburg. At the closing service I looked up at the big picture of Jesus on the cross up front and it seemed like his eyes were open, and then closed, and open again. And it seemed to be that it was in response to my prayer as I dedicated myself, you know made a greater commitment to Christ. I came from that knowing that Christ was with me as I had not felt before.

When I came back I asked to be baptized, immersed. And we did that even though we had to go down the street to another church. That was really good.

In fact every Sunday is good.