I Feared Jane Would Get Sick and Die!

Not every event turns out like you had planned. It was Easter and we had planned an egg hunt for the children. One of our children was Jane. Her health was fragile. Even in warm weather doing quiet activities her lips were blue. Egg hunt day was cold and wet. I had to decide to go ahead or postpone or, probably, just cancel it completely.

I decided to go ahead. At the time we were to start I it was colder and wet. Who shows up? Jane. What were her parents thinking? I was ready to do anything to keep Jane inside but she had come to hunt eggs and she was determined to hunt eggs. Her blue lips turned absolutely purple. I just knew that she'd get cold, get pneumonia and die! It was a terrible feeling. It was not what I had planned. I was as anxious as I have ever been.

Jane didn't get pneumonia. She lived many more years. It worked out okay. But once again I realized good intentions can lead one into heart throbbing dilemmas.